Quotes Compiled - Japan "Saru mo ki kara ochiru ????????" -- Even monkeys fall from trees. / Japanese proverb / "Good deeds should be done quickly, without heaistating." ~~ Japanese Proverb "The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone." -- Japanese Proverb "Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence." -- Lin Yutang "Preoccupied with a single leaf, You won't see the tree. Preoccupied with a single tree, You'll miss the entire forest." -- Takuan "As is the gardener, so is the garden." -- Anon Y "The quieter you become the more you are able to hear." -- Zen Saying "No one realises how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." -- Lin Yutang "Flow with whatever may happen And let you mind be free." -- Chuang Tzu Y "Beginning is easy; continuing is hard." -- Japanese Proverb "If there is magic on this planet; it is contained in water." -- Loreen Eiseley "Life begins on the day you start a garden." -- Japanese Proverb "Matters of great concern, Should be treated lightly. Matters if small concern should be treated seriously." / Japanese Saying / "Fall seven times, get up eight." -- Japanese Proverb